High School
- Cincinnati, OH
Class Of 1965
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Cleon J. Wingard
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JUNE 1965 and you are there!
Graduation Day June 17, 1965
Woodward Treasures
The Bulldog Barks June 9, 1965
Alma Mater, Motto & Creed
75th Birthday (2022)
70th Birthday (2017)
The BIG 50! (2015)
45th Reunion (2010)
40th Reunion (2005)
10th Reunion Invitation (1975)
Do you remember ... ?
And then there was elementary school
That was us. (REALLY?)
Marching Band plays Cleveland 1963
Some local landmarks (in 1965)
Blasts from the past ...
Music Videos from the 50s-60s
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Thomas Bernheimer
Robert Brasington
Neal Buchwald
Phyllis Dobrin (Leibson)
Don Eichorst
Ellen Friedman
Gail Kelley (Davis)
Sandy Kirschner (Wyatt)
James Mastronado
Ken Maxwell
Mike McDermott
Carol Mitchusson (Miller)
Jerry Nesbitt
Lawrence Schlueter
Margaret Schreiver (King)
Munro Steckler, Dds
Donna Stern (Herzig)
Linda Thielen (Gribben)
Robert Bob Wilkinson