Thank you, veterans


Click the picture above to go to a You Tube video of Amazing Grace on bagpipes.  
(Skip ad in 5 seconds & have tissues handy.)

This page is dedicated to our '65 friends and classmates who have sacrificed in the support and defense of our freedom and our liberty. 

This is our small way to thank our classmates who have made sacrifices for our nation in the Regular, National Guard, and Reserve Components of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard.  

We deeply appreciate your military service and the sacrifices you made to insure the freedoms we enjoy and to protect our country. 

Thank You! the classmates below and veterans everywhere.
David Adams
David Adams
Michael Adler (Adler)
Michael Adler (Adler)
Mark Applegate
Mark Applegate
John Benner
John Benner
Mickey Braverman
Mickey Braverman
Bruce Caldwell
Bruce Caldwell
Stan Caplan
Stan Caplan
Robert Chapman
Robert Chapman
Les Corum
Les Corum
Mike Davis
Mike Davis
Charles Dorfman
Charles Dorfman
Ronald Dreffer
Ronald Dreffer
Charles Ebel
Charles Ebel
Gary N. Elliott
Gary N. Elliott
Ken Ellison
Ken Ellison
Paul Feldman
Paul Feldman
Fred Fischer
Fred Fischer
Charles (Chick) Freund, III
Charles (Chick) Freun…
John George
John George
Michael Goldhagen
Michael Goldhagen
Frank Hammer
Frank Hammer
Terry Hammond
Terry Hammond
William Harland
William Harland
James Hartman
James Hartman
Ronald (Jack) Hatfield
Ronald (Jack) Hatfield
Eric Hawks
Eric Hawks
Paul Hendrick
Paul Hendrick
Stu Holzer
Stu Holzer
Denny Hopewell
Denny Hopewell
Bruce Hymon
Bruce Hymon
Ernie Jarman III
Ernie Jarman III
Richard Jones
Richard Jones
Robert Kabel
Robert Kabel
Edward Kanter
Edward Kanter
Gary Kidwell
Gary Kidwell
John Kimpel
John Kimpel
Ronald Koopman
Ronald Koopman
Greg Kruthaupt
Greg Kruthaupt
Stephen Lehrer
Stephen Lehrer
Stephen Leugers
Stephen Leugers
Eddie Lewis
Eddie Lewis
Steven Luken
Steven Luken
Jerry Malone
Jerry Malone
Jim Manthey
Jim Manthey
Kenneth Marguet
Kenneth Marguet
James Mastronado
James Mastronado
Ken Maxwell
Ken Maxwell
Dale McCarthy
Dale McCarthy
Everett McIntosh
Everett McIntosh
Gary McKibben
Gary McKibben
Ira Messing
Ira Messing
Jay Methena
Jay Methena
Dale Meyers
Dale Meyers
Richard Morris
Richard Morris
James Myers
James Myers
Anastasios (Nick) Nakos
Anastasios (Nick) Nakos
Gary Nicolay
Gary Nicolay
Jim Oaks
Jim Oaks
William Phelps
William Phelps
Michael Proud
Michael Proud
Michael Rapaport
Michael Rapaport
Dennis Rees
Dennis Rees
John Rockel
John Rockel
Coleman Sachs
Coleman Sachs
Jerry Sacks
Jerry Sacks
Arthur Schultz
Arthur Schultz
Steven Schwartz
Steven Schwartz
Sidney Sharfman
Sidney Sharfman
Mel Shuller
Mel Shuller
Mark Silverman
Mark Silverman
Jack Sims
Jack Sims
David Smith
David Smith
Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart
William Stone
William Stone
Henry Street
Henry Street
Nancy Van Wagoner (Orth)
Nancy Van Wagoner (Orth)
Larry Waldman
Larry Waldman
Richard Wasserman
Richard Wasserman
Robert Weiss
Robert Weiss
Robert Bob Wilkinson
Robert Bob Wilkinson
Jim (Jay) Williams
Jim (Jay) Williams
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Dan Yosafat
Dan Yosafat
Richard Yund
Richard Yund

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** Deceased
Guest Members
Max Coyle **  
James Evans '64    
John Frye '67   
Craig Rockenstein    
Raulie Schnee '66    
Mark Torreano '64    
The above information was obtained from individual profiles.  Send corrections or additions to site administration by clicking here ->  Contact Us 


While the two days - Memorial Day and Veterans' Day - are set aside to honor, thank and remember those who serve and served our country, we don't have to limit our thoughts of them, and "thanks" to them, to just these two days.  We can be thankful everyday for those who stand up and stood up to protect our lives and liberties - for it is each and every day that we get to enjoy those liberties  ...  because of them, their efforts and their sacrifices. 

 * * * MEMORIAL DAY * * *  Last Monday in May each year

Memorial Day was established to honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  Our own classmate, Edward L. Kanter, lost his life on August 11, 1969, while serving with the U.S. Army's 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in Vietnam. Please take a moment this Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2014, to remember Eddie and all those who have given their lives for our freedoms.

* * * VETERANS' DAY * * *  November 11 each year
In 1918, this date was known as Armistice Day, a special day established to commemorate the temporary cessation of hostilities during World War I, which went into effect at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Through the years, this observance has evolved into what is now known as Veterans Day, a day set aside to recognize, say "Thank you", and pay homage to all the men and women who have honorably worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces.

Salute to veterans from our class at the reunion of our 50th anniversary of our Woodward graduation.  
October 10, 2015