Woodward High School - Cincinnati, OH
Class Of 1965
Links to Other Classes
Here are some links to other sites that may interest you as you stroll down memory lane. Feel free to bookmark any of them. If you know of other sites that may be of interest to our classmates, please email the link (<- click here to email).
Here's a link to the Class of '62's 50th anniversary booklet⇒ Woodward_Booklet_1.pdf (classcreator.com)
Greetings from Cincinnati ... This site is dedicated to showing vintage post cards about Cincinnati and the surrounding communities.
The Vietnam Wall Locate classmates who served & died in Vietnam.
ClassMates.com now Memory Lane Separate registration required.
Woodward Highschool Alumni Site Another source of alumni information you MAY find of interest about classmates and other Woodward classes.
IMPORTANT NOTE about this site! Woodward Highschool Alumni Site
Please note that this site is not affiliated with the Woodward Alumnal Association nor any other group, club, class or site that has to do directly with Woodward High School. It is a privately owned and operated site "powered by AlumniClass.com". Separate registration and a fee are required to join this site. As yet, we have no idea where any of the money collected for memberships or the purchase of any items from the Bulldogs Apparel, Clothing, and Sportswear Store go.
We're checking... meanwhile ... caveat emptor ... and while we're in Latin-mode ... carpe diem ...
and, of course ... "Esse Quam Videri"