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•   Ray Spencer  7/26
•   Edward Shapiro  7/24
•   Sue Butz  7/21
•   Betsy Bohlander (Bazell)  7/20
•   Mark Silverstein  7/7
•   Gil Rubin  6/25
•   Bram Fischer  6/12
•   Peggy Rich (Friedman)  6/11
•   Ronald A. Crutcher  6/11
•   Arnold Hanish  6/10
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•   Lynn Arons  7/28
•   Rena Alex  7/30
•   Dan Rosenfield  7/30
•   Sheila Farris (Brown)  8/1
•   Lani Reins (Sussman)  8/1
•   Karen Miller (Messmer)  8/2
•   Carolyn Bill (Inscho)  8/3
•   Ann Greenberg (Bliss)  8/3
•   Sharon Rayls (Wilson)  8/3
•   David Scherrer  8/3
•   Nancy Marmer (Horwitz)  8/4
•   Iris Levine (Pastor)  8/5
•   Ray Spencer  8/6
•   Sue Butz  8/7
•   Carol Friedman (Green)  8/7
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
9 live in Arizona
18 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in District Of Columbia
36 live in Florida
8 live in Georgia
4 live in Illinois
9 live in Indiana
3 live in Kansas
19 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
8 live in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
4 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
4 live in Missouri
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
2 live in New Jersey
9 live in New York
7 live in North Carolina
209 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
5 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
10 live in Texas
6 live in Virginia
6 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Cayman Islands
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Portugal
1 lives in United Kingdom
191 location unknown
122 are deceased



Percentage of Joined Classmates: 49.2%

A:   299   Joined
B:   309   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Timothy Freese  2024
•   Sandy Siddall  2023
•   Paul Hendrick  2023
•   Thyra Blackwell (Chambers-Wilson)  2023
•   Chuck Drexelius  2021
•   Lee Shai Weissbach  2022
•   Steven Schwartz  2022
•   Shirlyn Carson  2002
•   Lynn Schwartz (Armstrong)  2021
•   Arthur "Art" Paul  2021
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The building is gone but the spirit of the Woodward Class of 1965 lives on.  

Reunion survey results.   Reunion Team meets 7/25 to discuss.          NOTE:  Totals are not consistent among the questions as some answers were relevant to the question and some were not. 
The low number of “Yes” & “Maybe” responses makes overall generalizations difficult but it’s all we have to work with. 
Yes:      28
No:         8
Maybe:  11
Time of year: 
#1:  Fall was #1 choice (35) – early September or early October
#2:  Summer (12)
#3:  Spring (7)
Type of events: 
#1:  Mingling,  reception, talking (21)
#2:  Dinner (19)
#3:  Music, Dancing (18) … shake a leg, not break a leg
#4:  Lunch ( 6)
Number of days:
#1 response (17):  2 days
#2 response (16):  1 day
Number of events: 
#1 response (22):  2 events
#2 response (9):    1 event
              Bringing up the rear:  3 events with 3 mentions
Time of day: 
 #1:  evening (23)
 #2:  early evening (6)
 #3:  afternoon (4)
 #4:  late afternoon (3)
Stay tuned ... 

Best history teacher ever! 

89 & you'd never know it!  

Click HERE   for a 7-minute trip into another dimension,
a dimension not only of  sight  and  sound
but of  mind!
A journey into a WONDROUS  LAND
whose boundaries are only those of
your memories. 
Your next stop  ...    the 1950s!
                   When you get to the site, click   Turn the sound on ... you'll probably like the music, too.  
Thank you, Shiela Freeman. 

Memories updated ...  Oldies renamed to reflect the passing of some time ... 

Click   HERE    to see what you recall ... or relate to ... or both.  

Have a favorite?  Share with classmates?  Click ⇒    here   

Let's dance ... 

Would you like to let classmates know The Latest?   
You can do that by posting a message on the web site.  
You'll be asked to log on, if you aren't already.  

Where did everyone go?   To find out ... 
. . . click    Show Classmates on map




Classmates and friends have visited this site  71025  times since it opened June 2010
Thank you, classmates and friends!