Deceased Classmate: Richard E. (Dick) Yund
Date Of Birth: 11-14-1947
Date Deceased: 7-26-2013
Age at Death: 65
Cause of Death: Cancer
Classmate City: Cincinnati
Classmate State: OH
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: Yes Army
Survived By: Susan J. Yund (Nee Titus) Lisa (Keith) Haigh - Daughter Christen (Mark) Vollrath - Daughter Sara (Brian) Potts - Daughter
Services were Sunday, August 4, 2013 at the Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church, 6474 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230.
Mark Applegate writes:
Dick was my friend and I am proud to have known him. He was one of the kindest and caring individuals I had ever met.
I was fortunate to have been able to attend the services today at his church and listen to the remembrances given by Craig Rockenstein and his nephew George Yund. Dick was surrounded by a strong faith community and was an integral part of their family. The service ended by the congregation singing the benediction "Shalom, Chaverim".
Dick lived his life in service to others and followed the principles he learned from Hi-Y in High School - "I'M THIRD - God 1st, Others 2nd and if there is time I'm Third. (by Mark Applegate)
Paul Hendrick
As his English teacher and class advisor, I was very fond of Dick and remember him well. I hoped he would lick his most recent bout with cancer. Dick was such a solid, decent, good young man. Reading his bio reinforces that he continues to exemplify these qualities throughout his life. Obviously, his family and religion have been important in his life - how blessed have been those who have shared these last almost 50 years with him. I wish I had known about his services - I certainly would have been there to celebrate his life and mourn his death. Paul Hendrick
Ray Spencer (Spencer)
Dick Yund and I played Knot Hole baseball together for a few years during the grade school years. The team was managed by the fathers of Terry Hammond and Jay Spiess. We shared the catcher position on the team. When he was catching I was playing second base or shortstop. Dick was in left field when I was behind the plate. He lived across the street from Jim Oaks and a few blocks from my home near the old water tower area in Kennedy Heights. While surfing the class website I was able to reconnect with Dick and reminisce abit about those years. He was a really nice guy back then and a very sensitive and mature person when we last met at the ten year reunion. I'm sure he will be greatly missed amongst his many friends and family.
Ray Spencer
James Myers
Dick was a good true friend throughout the school years. I still see his smiling face, as I did for those 12 years of school. I'm certain that God put him right to work, his first day up in Heaven, at incomming orientation to calm each concern raised by new arrivals--that was Dick's 'way'!
I just hope that some day I'll be able to look upon his smile again, shake hands, give a hug, and get my questions answered. He was always a pleasure to be near. I know better than to tell Dick to "Rest In Peace", that was not his way!
Fellow Army Veteran, God bless and hope to see your warm smile,
Jim Myers
Colonel, US Army (Retired)
William Powers
Bulldog Friends,
I was (still am) an introvert. As such, I never got to know many of my classmates and was only close with one, Ken Marguet. I lost track of Ken when I moved away but understand he has passed away also.
It is times like this that I really miss not getting to know Dick and my other classmates better; from the comments I've read Dick sound's like he was a good man. I was at a luncheon last year but missed the recent benefit due to a scheduling conflict. I so look forward to upcoming gatherings and the opportunity to reconnect.
William (Bill) F. Powers
Jacqueline Schwartz (Mandell)
May Richard 'Dick' Rest In Peace. Thank You to all who posted. Good to Remember. Sending Prayers.
Jacquie Schwartz (Jacqueline Mandell)
Ken Ellison
Thanks for your service!..! agood soldier1, is ner for got! whether/ he dieth by ! musket or by pot.! S.F.C! KENNY RAY ELLISON1 A TROOP1 1/237TH CAV1 O.A.N.G.1 [1970-1982)!
Gary Goodman
Over the past two years ot so, I talked with Dick Yund only about foutot five times.
Thus, my impressions of the man are limited -- and certainly, I can notsay better what has been said soeloquently here.
But I will say these two very certain things:
1. Dick was a "staunch" guy -- he stood strong in the
face of his illness.
2. He mentioned to me that his trearment involved
So please -- all of you -- encourrage this research
whenever you can! It IS high time tesearchers
stopped fretting about the soutce of the
cells -- esprcially if the whole collection getspotcjed
out anyhow.
See you in GAN EDEN, Dick!!!
G. F. G.
Ken Ellison
thank you!