In Memory

Gary Hillman

Gary Hillman

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09/21/15 10:27 PM #1    

Stephen Lehrer

Gary and I first met in the summer of 1962. We were competing for the affections of the same girl. Unfortunately, we both lost out to another guy. At the time, we could not foresee that we would one day be related through marriage. Approximately 18 years after our initial encounter, Gary married my first cousin Elaine "Pam" Littenhoff (Woodward Class of 1968).

Gary was proud to be a member of the Class of '65. He spoke very warmly about the friendships he had cultivated during his years at Woodward. He told me about the fantastic time he had at the 40th reunion and looked so forward to attending future such events. But that was not in the cards Gary was dealt -- he died the following year.

Steve Lehrer

09/22/15 11:33 AM #2    

Ira Messing

Gary was a great friend and kindred spirit.  Many of our childhhod memories linger and from time to time still bring a smile to my face.   Like all of his friends, I was saddened by his untimely passing.

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