In Memory

Mark Mendleson

Mark Mendleson

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09/18/10 12:01 PM #1    

Mark Abrams

Mark... I miss you!  You made me laugh ... a lot!  There were few constants back then (hell, I'm not sure I knew what a 'constant' was at that time of my life) but I knew I could always count on you to provide me with a refreshing, and usually unexpected, perspective.  I always came away from our conversations with some new and different thinking ... about situations, about people, about  life, and often, about myself.  Thank you for that and the many, many, many laughs ... and especially for your dear friendship. 

I remember when we used to sit together in Mr. Hendricks' class and how we used to say "Here." for each - you for me when he called the first "Mark" for attendance; then me for you when he called "Mark" the second time.  I recall him looking up with a recognition that something was not quite right - but there you and I would be sitting looking at him like "What?".  Whether it is my actual recollection or hindsight clouded by years and continued humor, I think we continued to do that, at least once, even after he put us on opposite ends of the room.  

I'll catch up with you someday and we can reminisce.  I'm hoping timing isn't an issue for your because I've got a great life on this side ... wife, friends, health, and a healthier perspective because or you ... and I like to think that some time in the future, when time doesn't exist, that we can pick up again.  Besides, I found some coins in Jack's crap I've got questions about.  

Thanks, again, Mark for all the joy & laughs & life & friendship you gave me.  


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